This week on Going Public, Hammitt continues their crowdfunding journey as we count down to the offering's closing on March 30th!
Tony and Andrew head into KPMG to talk valuation. They get insight on their current trajectory and future vision from KPMG Managing Director in the corporate finance department Roddy Moon and Partner Accounting Advisor Shari Mager.
They talk valuation of Hammitt which Chairman Tony explains comes from a compilation of revenue, growth rate, profit margin and brand equity. In other words, what makes Hammitt worth what it is? In addition to these metrics, a brand's story has a lot to do with its true valuation amongst other similar companies. Hammitt's story is a great part of what makes us so special.
We get to share who the Hammitt customer is and tell all about our marketing strategy while getting some advice from the best in the business about where we can expand and continue to strategize further.
With vision to expand to 10 brick and mortar stores by 2023 and continue growing on all digital platforms in the luxury fashion space, we were ecstatic to share our ideas for the future.
Next week on Going Public, we head to Las Vegas where Tony and Andrew take on MoneyShow, an investment conference where we continue to put Hammitt to the test!
Be sure to tune in! We'll see you there.