Trynow FAQ

How does the Try Before Buying program work?

We’ll validate your credit card through an authorization. Rest assured we will only charge your card if you decide to keep the item(s). Try the item, and only pay if you decide to keep it through the trial period. We’ll only then charge your card.

Was my card charged when I placed the order?

We validate your card through an authorization for the full amount of the order. You’ll see a pending charge on your statement, but rest assured that’s not a charge. We’ll only charge your card for the items you decide to keep.

When does the trial period begin?

We track when the package was delivered to your house, which starts the trial period. You have until the end of your trial period to postmark returns.

How do you know not to charge my card for the items I’m returning?

We provide an ample amount of time for any returns to arrive at our warehouse before charging your card. Once the items are returned, we inspect and update your order status so you will not be charged.

What if I decided to keep the items but then want to initiate a return?

No problem! Our regular return policy is still in effect.